Tag Archives: Sports Medicine

Blood Flow Restriction and Its Function in Physical Therapy

Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is not a new idea but has just recently taken off as the hot new concept in the rehab and training world. As with anything that touts itself to be the “latest and greatest” we have to ask ourselves if it really does all it says it does. Fortunately for […]

Do You Know Your ATC?

Here in Central Oregon we are extremely lucky to have skilled athletic trainers (ATCs) as part of each high school athletic program. As fall sports kick into gear and the rest of the seasons to follow, we thought it would be worth shining a light on the role ATCs play on a daily basis for […]

Welcome Lindsay Lund, PT, DPT, CMPT!

Please join us in extending a giant and warm welcome to Lindsay Lund, PT! She will be joining the crew at our West clinic and we know this is going to be good! Lindsay is a collegiate soccer player turned physical therapist and has most recently been practicing in Eugene, Oregon; but, like most of […]

Get Active to Stay Active

Summer is a time to have fun and spend time outdoors. It is an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine. It’s a time when you can go out for a walk and roll down the windows and take in everything that nature has to offer, allergies and all. The warmer weather encourages you to be active […]

Interview with Olympic Paratriathlete Jamie Brown

Paralympic triathlete Jamie Brown is many things, but unaccomplished is not one of them. “I have worked too hard to be in the gray area,” said Brown. Athletes of all ability levels come through Rebound Physical Therapy’s doors; once in a while, we are lucky enough to share their story. Jamie’s passion for all things […]

Benefits of Cross Training

5 Reasons Cross Training is Important for Athletes All athletes have physical specialties, and as a result, they tend to focus on and train the major muscle groups that are used primarily in their specific sport. What more and more research shows are the increased benefits to those that cross train. 1. Decreased Risk of […]

Be in the Know Before the Snow

Whether for competition or recreation, Nordic skiing is a common culprit for injuries occurring from overuse. In most cases, these injuries can be prevented by establishing a solid foundation. Power, balance, mobility and technique are the necessary building blocks for preventing injuries and maximizing performance. The class will be led by Physical Therapist Tim Gross, […]

Kicking Injury Aside & Back on the Field

When the kind words below popped up in a Google review, we could not help but want to share. Not just because of how she sings the praises of our skilled PT’s but because of Kaylee’s unusual story and joy of knowing we were able to help this young athlete get back to the sports […]

Welcome Melinda Shearer, PT, OCS, SCS

Melinda Shearer, PT, OCS, SCS has joined our team and we could not be more excited to have her on board! Melinda is the newest addition to our Bend East clinic. Melinda will be working with a wide range patient population and using her strong interpersonal communication skills to assist patients in their return to […]

Can I buy speed? Just ask Jay Dicharry at the REP Lab…

by JAY DICHARRY on AUGUST 5, 2013 Adam Craig at Rebound Cyclists want two very simple things. They want to be comfortable on a bike, and they want to be fast. And anytime we “want” something, we must ask the question: how hard must I work to achieve it? Or, in this golden age of […]