Expert Vestibular Therapy for Dizziness and Balance Problems.
Vestibular Rehabilitation is a specialized form of physical therapy that uses specific exercises to treat dizziness and balance problems. If you are dealing with dizziness, vestibular rehab therapy can help!
Vertigo (spinning or a false sense of movement) can result from dysfunction of the vestibular system, part of the inner ear. Such problems can arise from infections, illness, medications, or without any apparent trigger. Migraines, anxiety, and concussions can also cause dizziness, vertigo, and loss of balance.
Diagnosing and treating vestibular disorders can be challenging. Very few health care providers specialize in this area. We often hear from our patients that they have spent a long time going to medical appointments searching for help. At Rebound, infrared video goggles are used to carefully assess abnormal eye movements, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment. Our certified vestibular therapists have dedicated their practices to treating dizziness. They have helped hundreds of people overcome disabling dizziness and vertigo, sometimes after just one visit!
Vestibular Rehabilitation Covers Three Main Areas.
Dizziness and Imbalance
Dizziness and Imbalance can result from loss of function of the vestibular system, part of the inner ear. Such problems can arise from infections, illness, medications, or without any apparent trigger.
Benign Positional Vertigo is the most common vestibular disorder. BPV causes a sensation of spinning (vertigo) with change in head position. It can be severely disabling. At Rebound, an infared camera is used to observe abnormal eye movement and improve the accuracy of assessment.
Balance & Fall Prevention
Decreasing Fall Risk: After BPV or other vestibular disorders have resolved, poor balance often remains. Retraining balance systems is effective in improving safety and independence whenever balance is compromised. Balance loss from aging or neurologic disease can often be improved significantly with treatment. Therapy that reduces the risk of a broken hip or allows someone to continue to live alone goes a long way toward maintaining quality of life.
Stuart Johnson, PT, Director Of Vestibular Rehab Program
Stuart is originally from Salt Lake City, Utah. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Washington University in St. Louis with a BA in English. He went on to earn a Masters in Physical Therapy from University of Utah. Stuart is an expert vestibular rehabilitation, the evaluation and treatment of dizziness and balance disorders. He has dedicated his practice to this highly-specialized area. He has earned certification in vestibular rehabilitation from the American Physical Therapy Association and Emory University in Atlanta. Stuart is also an expert orthopedic therapist and has been a physical therapy provider to the U.S. Freestyle Ski Team. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Cynthia, and daughter, Zoe. He is an avid rock climber, cyclist and skier.
Kimberlee Soares PT, Vestibular Specialist
Kimberlee graduated Magna Cum Laude from Georgia State University in Atlanta with her Physical Therapy degree. Following graduation, Kimberlee relocated to Seattle where she worked as a PT in outpatient orthopedics and neuro-trauma at Harborview Medical Center. While at Harborview, Kimberlee was instrumental in developing and enhancing their vestibular program.
Kimberlee has extensive experience with the treatment and coordination of care with interdisciplinary teams for patients with orthopedic injuries, medical and neurologic conditions. She earned her certification in vestibular rehabilitation from the American Physical Therapy Association through Emory University in Atlanta. With her varied background, Kimberlee brings knowledge from many areas of the healthcare system to her practice.
In her free time, Kimberlee and her family love various outdoor adventures within Central Oregon particularly snowboarding, skate skiing, hiking, biking and trail running.
Rebound Physical Therapy Provides Vestibular Rehabilitation at the Following Locations.
Vestibular Rehabilitation Videos
Rebound is the first Central Oregon therapy provider to use an infrared eye camera to vastly improve accuracy of identifying problems with the inner ear and balance system. These video clips show some of the interesting abnormal eye movements that can be observed using this technology. This provides critical information that is often not visible without using this device.
This video was taken using an infrared eye camera, which puts the person wearing it into complete darkness, but allows the therapist to see the eyes. This shows a spontaneous, right-beating horizontal nystagmus, which suggests this patient has a deficit of the left vestibular system. Note that this important sign is not visible until vision is obscured after the first few seconds of the video clip.
This video clip shows a burst (paroxysm) of up-beating, right torsional nystagmus. This is a hallmark of right sided, posterior canal BPPV. The use of the infared video camera to block the patient’s vision makes the nystagmus more intense, which dramatically improves the accuracy of the diagnosis.
Rebound Physical Therapy Vestibular Rehabilitation Testimonials
“I suffered from vertigo on and off during a two year period. The medical community had not been able to help me. My physical therapist did a simple test to see if I had the type of vertigo that he could treat. When he determined my condition was treatable, he gave me a short treatment, and I was instantly cured, and it has not returned! I am grateful beyond my ability to fully express in words! Thank you!” – Sonja
“I cannot thank you enough for diagnosing the cause of my sudden onset of severe dizziness so quickly, and being able to treat it immediately with some small adjustments. Who would imagine that a wayward crystal was causing havoc in my ear canal. Having experienced hearing loss and related problems with my father, I was sure that I was doomed for a long period or a life time of discomfort. I am absolutely elated that I am back to normal activities after just one treatment. Thank you very much.” – S.V.
“I want you to know how very grateful I am for the vestibular rehabilitation you have guided me through over the past few months. When I came to Rebound, I had been extremely debilitated in my daily life for close to three months. I had immense imbalance issues. I was ‘hanging on’ to people and objects in order to walk from one point to another and could not tolerate certain environments. I was constantly ‘spinning’, often disoriented, and highly sensitive to light, noise and movement. Whether I was standing, sitting or attempting to walk, I had tremendous difficulty. My brain was exhausted from trying to interpret and navigate my environment. Frankly, I was miserable and very concerned. In spite of visits to various medical specialists, CT scans, MRI’s and various diagnostic testing, no one in the medical profession in Bend was able to give me a definitive diagnosis. Still without a diagnosis, I was fortunate to find you and begin our therapy work in early January. After our first session I felt so hopeful. After the first week of doing the exercises you gave me, I felt more confidence. I quickly began to believe that as you said, I could retrain my brain. Each week I experienced gradual improvement and heightened ability to use my new skills in various situations. I am now able to engage in most all of the activities and situations that, prior to the onset of these symptoms, I had been able to handle. Now, instead of avoiding situations, I can safely expose myself to them with confidence knowing I have tools to handle them. I have my life back. I am telling everyone I know about you! THANKS! I am so grateful I came to see you.” – Cheryl