Tag Archives: bend physical therapy

Get Your Housework(out) Done!

Central Oregon is home to many active people, you can find these not-just-weekend warriors out on the trails, running through the Old Mill, biking to work and just about everywhere you turn. Let’s get honest for a second though and realize not all moments are adventure packed (at least for your average community member). Here […]

Welcome Lindsay Lund, PT, DPT, CMPT!

Please join us in extending a giant and warm welcome to Lindsay Lund, PT! She will be joining the crew at our West clinic and we know this is going to be good! Lindsay is a collegiate soccer player turned physical therapist and has most recently been practicing in Eugene, Oregon; but, like most of […]

Eat Well, Be Well.

How do you stay on target with eating healthy and being active? Between work schedules, kids schedules, appointments and change of plans, finding time to exercise and eat right can sometimes feel impossible. The “me time” in the schedule is usually the first thing to go in effort to help everyone else stay on target. […]

Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy offers an alternative environment for therapeutic exercise. If you have tried traditional physical therapy, or have restrictions on your physical therapy program, aquatic therapy may be the perfect solution for your physical therapy needs. Why Aquatic Therapy is Beneficial Less pressure: The buoyancy of the water decreases the amount of pressure, or compressive forces, […]

Interview with Olympic Paratriathlete Jamie Brown

Paralympic triathlete Jamie Brown is many things, but unaccomplished is not one of them. “I have worked too hard to be in the gray area,” said Brown. Athletes of all ability levels come through Rebound Physical Therapy’s doors; once in a while, we are lucky enough to share their story. Jamie’s passion for all things […]

Don’t Let Injury Keep You Down

In the U.S., ACL and other knee injuries are one of the most common orthopedic and sports-related injuries. For athletes, physically-active folks, and health-conscious individuals, suffering a knee injury can be particularly difficult as they find themselves suddenly immobilized, with minds craving for exercise. Fortunately, as with any injury, there is always something that can […]

You Had Surgery… Now What?

Physical therapy is a critical component of recovering from most orthopedic surgeries. No matter when or why your surgery is scheduled, is it often accompanied by nerve-wracking “what-ifs” and questions about recovery. Physical therapy plays a large role in putting nerves at ease, answering questions and creating a healthy healing process. There are three main […]

Back Pain Does Not Mean Bed Rest

In the old days, when you hurt your back, your doctor told you to go on bed rest for back pain until it felt better. However a lot has been discovered since then and gone are the days of prolonged bed rest.  Most often, engaging in proper movements and postures are well as a gradual […]

Be in the Know Before the Snow

Whether for competition or recreation, Nordic skiing is a common culprit for injuries occurring from overuse. In most cases, these injuries can be prevented by establishing a solid foundation. Power, balance, mobility and technique are the necessary building blocks for preventing injuries and maximizing performance. The class will be led by Physical Therapist Tim Gross, […]

Kicking Injury Aside & Back on the Field

When the kind words below popped up in a Google review, we could not help but want to share. Not just because of how she sings the praises of our skilled PT’s but because of Kaylee’s unusual story and joy of knowing we were able to help this young athlete get back to the sports […]