Tag Archives: REP lab Bend

Can I buy speed? Just ask Jay Dicharry at the REP Lab…

by JAY DICHARRY on AUGUST 5, 2013 Adam Craig at Rebound Cyclists want two very simple things. They want to be comfortable on a bike, and they want to be fast. And anytime we “want” something, we must ask the question: how hard must I work to achieve it? Or, in this golden age of […]

High-tech treadmill at REP Lab Bend used to improve training

High-tech treadmills at REP lab Bend used by locals Elite athletes can get analysis that will help improve their training regimen By Elise Gross / The Bulletin Published: July 23. 2013 4:00AM PST Stephanie Howe knows a thing or two about endurance sports. The 29-year-old Bend resident and former college All-American in cross-country running is […]

Women runners precautions address physical differences and prevent injuries

Home techniques These exercises you can do at home are meant to strengthen core muscles and stabilize the hips to better handle the repetitive impacts of running and thereby help prevent running-related injuries. Until you are comfortable doing the exercises, it might help to start in front of a mirror. You’ll need a latex exercise […]

Pace maker

Americans are increasingly on the run, with Running USA’s 2012 State of the Sport report counting nearly 39 million runners. Runners spend nearly $2.5 billion annually on footwear, according to the report. But, unfortunately, new shoes don’t come with accurate information and proper training to safely and successfully pursue the activity. For that, Today in […]

Jay Dichary Makes Video of Essential Skills For Ultrarunning And Trail Running

In this video, ultrarunning and trail running stud Max King, along with physical therapist and biomechanist Jay Dicharry (REP lab Bend), discuss the specific skills for necessary for success in off-road ultrarunning. King, who won both the U.S. 50K championship and the XTERRA Trail Running Championship last weekend, will compete in the 2012 Ultrarunning Race […]